Urban catering lampblack One stop supervision and control
system survey

In order to realize the dynamic supervision of catering lampblack and promote the sustainable development of the city?s catering enterprises and various social undertakings, deploy the intelligent supervision system and realize the monitoring platform to urge catering enterprises to consciously use and clean and maintain lampblack purification facilities, so as to achieve the effect of lampblack emission. Platform system will be not open for catering enterprises lampblack purification facilities or lampblack emissions, or no regular cleaning maintenance of all kinds of irregular behavior, immediately prompt warning, remind restaurant owners, and send the data to the relevant management personnel, from the source strictly control food lampblack emissions, put an end to lampblack pollution, improve the ability of urban environment comprehensive monitoring.

system design

The construction of the project fully use the mobile Internet, Internet of things, big data, cloud computing wisdom, information means, on the basis of the existing, through system integration, resource integration, information sharing, establish scientific, efficient, unified food lampblack information supervision system, the system set data collection, signal transmission, background data processing, terminal data display function into an organic whole, by the data processing system, lampblack monitoring system and mobile client. Realize real-time data monitoring. Accurately provide continuous automatic monitoring of the catering industry lampblack emissions, and upload to the server background program for statistical analysis.lampblack monitoring mainly includes three parameters: lampblack concentration, particulate matter and non-methane total hydrocarbon, which are uploaded to the data center and monitoring platform in real time. Collect and store various kinds of monitoring data, and send monitoring data and equipment working status to the background server according to the instructions of the background server. Identify, check and store the collected monitoring data; process the collected monitoring data according to the statistical requirements; set the lampblack concentration threshold, and automatically start the lampblack purification facility after the threshold. The staff in the platform terminal or mobile terminal to supervise whether the catering enterprises open the lampblack treatment facilities or whether the lampblack emission exceeds the standard, and whether there are all kinds of non-standard behaviors without regular cleaning and maintenance.

Hardware composition of the online monitoring system of lampblack concentration

In order to truly and effectively monitor the lampblack emission of the catering industry, our company uses OEN-100 lampblack online monitor for real-time sampling and analysis of the lampblack, so as to get the accurate quantitative data of the lampblack concentration, so as to truly bring the lampblack emission of the catering industry into the online monitoring system of pollution sources.

 OEM-100 lampblack data collector integrates GPRS wireless communication module (optional CDMA) for real-time online and automatic reporting. The collector has a special interface for the lampblack probe to connect the probe. The collector controls the original data of the lampblack by collecting the probe, reads the original data collected by the probe, and makes comprehensive calculation, and finally obtains the lampblack concentration value.

 Due to the complex composition of lampblack, the lampblack probe of OEN-100 adopts special technology, which can conduct comprehensive analysis of a variety of lampblack components, so as to get the most accurate data of lampblack emission data.

In view of the actual situation of the lampblack emission in the catering industry and the actual situation of the flue, as well as the requirements of real-time sampling, we designed the probe to install convenient, stable and reliable. Because the lampblack is easy to pollute the sensor, so the OSEN-100 probe adopts a special design, can effectively filter the large diameter particle dust, making the probe can effectively resist the lampblack pollution, prolong the service life of the probe, the maintenance of the equipment is simple, the maintenance cost is low.

technical parameter

Measurement parameters of the lampblack concentration

measuring range

0~ 10000 ug/m3

zero drift

The zero-point drift of 1h did not exceed ± 0.3mg / m3


The relative error of the mean of the results with the reference method shall not exceed ± 8%

linear error


Insulation impedance


withstand voltage

No anomalies (arc and breakdown)

measuring period

1 Minutes

working voltage

220 VAC



working temperature


Working humidity

5%~95% (no condensation)

Particulate matter measurement parameters

Detection principle

Principle of light scattering

resolution ratio


Scope of detection

0 ~ 20 mg/m3 (optional 0-2000 ug / m3; 0-10 mg/m3; 0-20 mg/m3)

Non-methane total hydrocarbon measurement parameters

Detect the range


resolution ratio


operational principle

Semiconductor / PID photoionization (optional)

The transformer parameters

way to install

Suspension installation

end-use temperature


Storage temperature


service frequency


mechanical strength

Open and close times not less than 500 times

dielectric strength

(Housing and output room)

3,500 VAC / 1 min for 5mA

Product characteristics

l The online and information supervision means of the catering industry improve the efficiency of the centralized management of the decentralized catering enterprises, reduce the personnel pressure of the environmental supervision departments, and improve the comprehensive and real-time grasp of the working status of the lampblack emission information and purification facilities of the catering enterprises.

l  Remote control function: can connect four controlled purification equipment, monitor and remotely control its switch state, and has the controlled equipment overcurrent protection system, the current exceeds the limit of 6s automatically disconnected, safe and reliable.(This function is optional and users can choose according to actual needs)

l  System reliability: lampblack online monitor passed the environmental protection certification, environmental protection certification of the function of the product, performance, safety, environmental resistance ability has carried on the comprehensive test, to ensure that the lampblack online monitor in the catering enterprise field application reliability and safety, meet the demand of the environmental protection bureau of catering industry lampblack emissions regulation.

l  Support the "one host and multi-probe" mode, which is suitable for the situation that a catering enterprise has multiple flue in the concentrated area of catering enterprises.

l  Support the function of breakpoint continuous transmission: when the network is interrupted, the monitoring data can be cached to the local area. Transfer the data to the lampblack monitoring platform immediately after the network is restored. With the data supplement function of the lampblack monitoring platform, the online rate of the data can reach 99%.

l  Support field configuration: support the reporting IP, port number and upload time interval through the field touch screen.

l Support the lampblack probe has the function of preventing disassembly protection: when the lampblack probe is illegally disassembled, the system automatically sends out alarm information to effectively prevent the abnormal removal of the lampblack probe.

technical feature

(1)  Sensor protection

In our study, we found that the lampblack is highly polluting to the sensor, and without the necessary protection, the sensor and related circuits will soon lose their effect. The probe of the lampblack concentration detector adopts special design and protection technology, which can automatically clean the sensor, so that the probe can effectively resist the lampblack pollution, so as to effectively extend the service life of the probe, making the maintenance of the equipment simple and the maintenance cost is low. The protection technology includes the use of a special protective filter material, which is also customized according to the actual research and test results in cooperation with foreign professional manufacturers. The relevant parameters are specially designed according to the actual test and research results, which can achieve the best effect for the actual situation of various domestic lampblack. This can effectively extend the service life of the sensor and the probe.

(2)  Probe protection

The probe of the lampblack concentration detector has a special protection function, with good protection and maintenance-free ability. If the cable between the probe and the collector is removed or damaged, the lampblack monitor will automatically identify and alarm; thus effectively preventing the equipment from being damaged or being in abnormal use.

(3)  Humanized and intelligent design

The data collector and lampblack probe of the online monitoring system of lampblack concentration are completely designed in accordance with the industrial grade, easy to install and run stably and reliably. The data collector of the lampblack monitor host also has an extended switching input and relay output interface, which can be used to monitor the working state of the fan and the purifier, and can automatically control the start and stop of the purification system according to the state of the lampblack concentration, so as to achieve the purpose of automatic control.

(4)  The technology meets the standards

According to GB 18483-2001 "food industry lampblack emission standard" provisions, the concentration of lampblack can not exceed 2.0 mg/m3. Catering industry lampblack emissions is actually a emissions sources, should adopt pollution management measures, the lampblack pollution into pollution online monitoring system for administrative supervision, real-time online measurement of pollutants, including lampblack concentration, emissions, etc., data automatically report to environmental monitoring platform, so as to truly improve the environmental environment protection, make society more harmonious real achieve reduction standards.

Cloud platform introduction

The platform of catering lampblack grid supervision and treatment integrated management cloud platform (hereinafter referred to as the cloud platform) conducts real-time monitoring of the pipeline lampblack pollution data through on-site equipment, and applies the monitoring data for quality control, analysis and application in the software system. Data details can be displayed in multiple ways, intelligent analysis and comparison, generate analysis reports; combined with big data analysis model, realize pollution traceability and trend prediction, and a large data supervision screen to visually present data changes and fully meet the monitoring needs of regulatory units.

 The platform includes the underlying device connection, data parsing, and the upper layer of data calculation and analysis. It provides one-stop full hosting service, and users can get universal cloud services of the Internet of Things connected to storage, analysis, display, reminder, and feedback without developing a line of code..

The cloud platform of integrated management is an open platform, which does not limit the access of any brand equipment, opens all equipment connection protocol and API interface, and provides real-time data subscription service. Maintain long-term cooperation with equipment manufacturers and application developers to provide quality products, software and services to direct customers. Up to now, nearly 10,000 active equipment connections.