Company News Industry Information

Osen noise automatic monitoring system safeguards the peaceful life of residents in Kunming city

2024-09-12 08:43:50

With the development of the economy and the acceleration of urbanization, noise pollution has become a widely concerned issue in society, and has become a prominent shortcoming that restricts the construction of ecological civilization and the construction of a beautiful China. When it comes to noise pollution at home, many people living in busy cities empathize with it. There is car noise shuttling back and forth on the road; There is the noise of square dancing in the park; The sound of machines on construction sites rumbles and is deafening; The urban racing party disregards the public´s right to peace and ignores the "street bombing noise"... All of these seriously disrupt the peaceful life of the people and become a social harm. It is imperative and urgent to control noise pollution at home in accordance with the law.

For the monitoring of noise sources in residential areas, our company can provide data service solutions. Based on the needs of the residential scene, we provide a fully functional online noise monitoring system and install and construct it around and inside the community. We conduct periodic monitoring and analyze the data during this period. The data can be made public, and platform accounts can be provided for residents to use. We also provide periodic data analysis reports and corresponding solution suggestions to encourage the construction of peaceful residential areas.

The noise monitoring system of Ningjing Community is interconnected with on-site instruments and meters through Internet of Things technology, completing real-time collection of environmental noise data, statistical analysis of collected data, and calculation of noise values. It is a simple outdoor noise automatic monitoring system, which consists of a data display screen, noise sensors, data collection and statistical analysis software, GPRS wireless transmission module, server cloud platform software, WeChat client and other parts. The noise meter has a large measurement range, strong functionality, good stability, and can be used with related accessories to achieve remote video monitoring, remote broadcasting, and other functions.

Product Features
High integration and flexible solution (optional): The system can expand and integrate elements such as temperature and humidity, meteorological parameters, pedestrian flow, and vehicle flow;
Equipped with a wind cover, it can be used to reduce the impact of wind noise when measuring in windy environments;
Fully functional, capable of achieving color change due to data exceeding the standard (optional), sound and light alarm, and other functions;
Integrating data collection, transmission, publishing, and display. By integrating high and flexible solutions, modular deployment, and meeting the needs of different occasions in all aspects;
Tool free disassembly, convenient for point migration and equipment maintenance;
Multimedia display: Optional monochrome, dual color, tri color, full-color, customizable display interface, additional display time and date information;
The appearance of the display screen can be selected from double columns, antique tiles, curved screens, etc., with multiple options suitable for various places;
Excessive discoloration (optional): The LED screen display has an alarm display function for excessive discoloration;
Built in GPS positioning module (optional) according to needs, real-time tracking device, built-in real-time clock, with Beidou automatic timing function;
24-hour automatic monitoring, no need for manual intervention, stable and reliable;
Noise exceeding alarm can be triggered by setting alarm conditions;
Combining the WEB interface to view real-time data, statistical curves, and other information anytime and anywhere, efficiently managing noise pollution.

Featured Features
Interrupted network and continued transmission
In order to prevent equipment from experiencing network disconnection, which may lead to the loss of monitoring data, our company has developed a network disconnection continuation function. When the equipment detects a network interruption
At this time, the monitoring data will be automatically saved locally, and once the device is detected to be restored to the network, the data monitored during the disconnection period will be automatically uploaded to
Server saving.
Over limit alarm
The device can set an alarm threshold and support remote setting. When the noise data exceeds this value, the device will automatically sound an alarm and upload it to the monitoring platform through a PC
The end platform or mobile WeChat end reminds regulatory personnel that if the device is equipped with an alarm, it can automatically link the alarm for sound and light alarm.
Remote stop call
Equipped with remote call function, when the monitoring data exceeds the threshold alarm, regulatory personnel can view the on-site situation from the monitoring video to see if there is any action taken
If there is no improvement despite exceeding the standard, regulatory personnel can remotely call a stop on the APP and order the on-site noise pollution behavior to stop.

